END OF THE LINE HERE Ciao Belli, story continues on: *http://starmanjakub.tumblr.com/*
Kia SUV Sport* ... :) Sketch befor paint Sketch be for paint Research sketches
New baby is comming soon!!!
If you’re sick of the January weather (it’s pretty grey and... If you’re sick of the January weather (it’s pretty grey and miserable here anyway!), spare a thought for Martin Stretton in this Tyrrell-Cosworth 01...
hovercraft design
Giving a go to different techniques. Liked the fusion of the path tool VS chaotic brush strokes but still surprisingly well controlled together.
Lake Como, Bellagio; Italy.
Antti Savio. Just wanted to share this link to a good friend of mine - Antti is one of the most amazing automotive sketchmachines i've ever met. http://anttisavio.bl...